Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Writers are often advised to write what they know. We painters make self-portraits and use local light, but even so, we’re most often painting the mysteries.

"Island & Treatment Plant"-acrylic on paper, 8" x 6"

The misdirection of perception is a resource for the search. Is that one house or two in the distance? Is that water surrounding skin or skin capturing water— just what does reflection reflect?

"Older Bathers #1"-oil on canvas, 54" x 48"

"Older Bathers #2 (first study)"-colored pencil on paper, 10" x 8"
"Older Bathers #2 (second study)"- pencil on paper, 5" x 4"

 As the poet and painter Blake knew, optics are not enough. What he “saw” were figures lit from inside, and this became his way into (and out of) observational painting.

"After The Conversation"-colored pencil on paper, 10" x8"

"Doreen With Her Cup"-colored pencil on paper, 10" x 8"

There may  be nothing more laudable than getting the hands right, but sometimes misshapen forms and false color ring true, beyond the limits of skill.


"Doreen In Mark's Garden"-acrylic on wood, 10" x 8"


  1. Abstracted reality "gets the hands right" in Doreen in Mark's Garden - color as a way to simplify reality in it's kaleidoscopic turning moment to moment.

  2. Looks to me on this morning AS one house w / skin surrounding water : That is in answer to your question in The Mysteries section - re. landscape !
    Tell the Truth but tell it slant (according to Emily D.)
